An open letter to our "Covid-19 Couples"

Dear Covid-19 Couples,

Wow, can we all just acknowledge how crazy this time in the world is?! On top of that, you’ve poured yourself into planning your dream wedding for maybe years now. Your vendors carefully selected, your invitations sent out, wedding dress is fitted, the countdown on your phone finally getting down to less than 30 days. But hold that thought, here comes a pandemic that we could have never imagined a few months ago let alone a year or more ago when you began planning. Things start shutting down, people are already losing their jobs, stocking up on supplies and canceling major events. One of those events being your wedding. This sucks, I know, but we are all trying to be positive and figure this out together. Let’s be honest, being positive can be challenging during times like this. But, we want to come along side of you and encourage you. We also want to give you ideas on how to move forward, and how to still celebrate finding your FOREVER person. 

Flowers by Shean Strong

Flowers by Shean Strong

The majority of our couples being impacted by the Covid-19 situation have chosen to reschedule.  As your creative team and a fellow human please know that we are HAPPY to accommodate date changes. Thus far, we have been able to move everyone without date conflict and I am truly so thankful. I think I can speak for most vendors and say that we are willing to do what it takes to fulfill our commitment to you. With that in mind, here are two options we have personally walked through with our couples. 

Venue The Historic Swan Coach House, Atlanta, Ga

Venue The Historic Swan Coach House, Atlanta, Ga

Continuing As Planned (kind of)? One of our sweet couples has moved UP their wedding date. They have DOWN graded the scale of the wedding to a small, intimate family-style ceremony in their parents backyard. We will be shooting their ceremony, their love, their commitment to each other all the same. Because, isn’t that what it’s all about anyway? Plus, what a GREAT story to tell for years to come. A reception or renewal will be options to celebrate with friends and family that could not be present for the actual ceremony. 

Eve & Austin - Picture 19 1.JPG

Rescheduling? Yes! You have permission to press pause! Forever is a long time, and there is no rush. Reach out to your vendors to see what is possible. Consider a Friday or Sunday when it’s more likely for your vendors to have availability. Everyone is pretty willing to PIVOT (friends reference, anyone?) so keep the lines of communication open and I’m willing to bet that your vendors, friends and family will stand behind you to make the date change work. 

Beautiful bride is a fellow creative turned friend, Eve Yarbrough (Latimer)

Beautiful bride is a fellow creative turned friend, Eve Yarbrough (Latimer)

I’ll close with this: this is hard, this is frustrating, but it will get worked out. Remember, this is about FOREVER. When you look at the big picture of spending your life with the one you love it’s easier to remember that everything is figure-out-able. We are here for you at B.E.V. and we truly mean it when we say that we can’t WAIT to celebrate with you whenever that may be.


Amy & Robert

P.s. We’ve had couples reach out to us that have lost their videographer and deposits due to date changes. Knowing how difficult these uncertain times are, we’ve decided to give back to the community by offering a discount to couples getting married within 2020 that have lost their videographer/photographer due to date conflict. We’d like to offer our Snippets + Teaser package at 20% off. Please email us your story at if you’d like to inquire about availability and this special rate.


Dearest Friendors,


The difference between a videographer and a story-teller.